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Ah, Summer finally! Sun, parties and friends with good vibes only. Are you by any chance planning on renovating your outdoors? Maybe because you want to enjoy those previously listed things? Fantastic, you’re in the right place.
If you’re planning on optimising your space by better placing your pieces of furniture or by simply adding or removing certain objects from your outdoors, there are some rules that you must follow in order to achieve perfection.
5 Tips for an Amazing Outdoor Space
Forget about big designers trends and everything like that. Let’s try and break down what are the top 5 things you must do in order to have the best garden/outdoor ever.
Save What Must Be Saved
Renovating a space doesn’t mean starting from scratch. Sometimes you already have everything you might possibly need and you just have to optimise this or that. For example, changing your table’s position (if you have one) could give your outdoor space a completely new feeling and your guest will surely get it first.
Another great point would be moving your main decorations, especially if they are flashy and have always been your “trademark”: by using a simple design concept called space-object association, your guests will surely notice the difference, even if you basically did nothing.
“Oh Perla, did you buy a new table?” “No, I just changed its position, do you like it?“
Update, With No Exaggerations
Buying a new piece of furniture could be a painful project, especially if you are planning on doing it with a reduced budget. My personal advice would be to try and buy something that has a natural stylish but minimalistic approach, in terms of design.
Luxury rattan furniture, for example, is something that could impact your outdoor space drastically, but with a very high cost. If you’re ready for this big step, well, this is the right time!
Parties and Everything Really
Something that people are forgetting is related to the fact that your outdoor space and your garden should be the places in which you must host your parties or small soirees. In order to do so, of course, everything must be appealing.
A great advice I can give you if you’re planning your space with a party vision is trying to include small sources of entertainment. A mini-bar could be a game changer, especially if you live far away from the city centre and your neighbours are OK with you throwing parties every week.
Read Also:
Accessories and Personality
Accessories are a key element if you’re trying to express who you really are to your guests. Anything could be amazing and there are literally no limitations.
For example: are you a musician? How about placing your old acoustic guitar outside so every guest can see that you are trying to let them see that you are passionate about music? That would be a great starting point.
Try to maintain a certain sense of finesse since it’s important to not exaggerate, especially if you’re planning on hosting many parties: no one is expecting you to have a grand piano made of ice for your small soiree, so relax and don’t stress yourself with that, there’s absolutely no point.
Summer is that season in which friends are coming over at 7 pm to then leave at 4 am by generally spending the entire time outside. No one wants to stay in the dark chatting and drinking, am I right? That’s why lights are so important. Right now, you can get cheap LED strips on Amazon for a very little price, which is a great idea in terms of practicality and results (they are incredibly stylish).
To Conclude
Designing, planning, optimising or rebuilding an outdoor space is not an easy task and many are the ones who fail at it. Summer is the perfect season for you to showcase your DIY skills, your design passion and how much you care about your space. Fear nothing, experiment new things and break boundaries, especially given the fact that nothing beats having a creative space in which your guests will be able to see your design touch.
Author Bio
Hi! My name is Vicky, I’m a fashion designer, running enthusiast and occasional model. Fashion is and will always be my passion and I also love sports. I am currently doing an internship but I would love to open my showroom soon!