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One of my favorite memories growing up was my grandmother putting a damp face cloth in the freezer, running it under cold water to soften it up and not end up patting our necks with an ice brick- and cool us down the cheapest way we knew how.
These tips from sites like would have been helpful though had the internet been around.
I grew up in a hot country, where winter temperatures reached 5’C if we were lucky and summertime temperatures always began with a 3.
But I was also brought up in a place where there was no such luxury as an aircon unit, you just sweat it out and get on with it. Fun times.

The generation of today has the privilege of growing up in a society where having an aircon unit in your home is standard practice. They will never know the horrors of waking up looking like you just had a shower before you opened your eyes.
This is great news for aircon installation companies though, as business flows in like a cool breeze.
If you are looking for the best help in the industry, check out sites like to get that cold air blowing your hair back in no time.
The initial reason – back in the days long gone – for the invention of the Air Conditioning Unit was to preserve food products from spoiling, and as we all know that bacteria have a good old party at room temperature.
From this invention came an offspring of ideas into refrigeration units, heating control, and humidity managing.
Is there an Advantage to Having an Air Conditioning Unit?
- Reduce the humidity. These units can help to prevent mold or mildew from developing, which has its complications.
- Built-in filters. Prevent breathing in pet hair, dust, and other allergens. This especially comes in handy when the flowering season hits the fields and the pollen count skyrockets.
Read Also:
Services that go Hand in Hand with Having an Aircon Unit Installed
Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning are just a few of the services companies offer today as an all-around package. Let’s break them down and look at them in a bit more depth.
We all know it to be that big cold box in our kitchens that houses all the fun stuff but there’s more to it – what? Yes, believe it. Click here and see the goods behind the door. Different types of refrigeration include Absorption, Thermoelectric, Mechanical-Compression, and Evaporative Cooling.
A heating system is either central or specifically distributed. We use a heating system to control and keep the air temperature constant and at a level that doesn’t have us peeling off our clothes or wearing every jumper, we own.
Depending on the building, location or individuals, different systems are preferred:
- Central Heating – there is one main thermostat that regulates all the heating for the house or area being heated, which blows the warm air into the rooms at the same time.
- Direct or Specific distribution – these relate to fireplaces, radiators, electric heaters, or pallet burners, which we can switch off when and where we want.
Have you ever thought about how it all works up there? How it all seamlessly flows and brings us the air we need? This know-all-about-ventilation article helped clear things up for me.
Why do we need it? Well, first, is that it takes the stale air from inside the house out and brings in the fresh air, and lastly, it regulates how much moisture is in the air to prevent pollutants and bacteria from growing.
All these components, working together in the Championship League of cleaning the air, make our lives a better and fresher place to be. Besides, the overall value of your property will only increase as more people look at having an aircon system installed as the norm when house hunting.
Now What?
Ok, so you’ve moved into the new house, or you’ve just completed the building stages of a new project and now you need to find the system that is not only right for you but right for your wallet.
Do you search for every company you know in your area? Ask everyone in your address book their opinion? We all have that neighbor who is going to give you free info anyway, am I right?
You could do all that, but it might take a while though and as you well know, ‘time is money. You could have a quick read of this page and have it all brought to you with all the leg work done. It sounds like my kind of research.
Keep in the Know;
Products are constantly evolving, expanding, and having more options available. Services are increasing, more trades are coming together under one branch. Businesses are also offering more for your money. It’s all great news, but it is tricky to keep up with everything and have a life at the same time.
Media platforms are available to keep checking in on, word of mouth has not been completely lost, and I’m sure Old Mavis down the corner shop has her ear to the ground as a last resort if all else fails.
There are also trade shows and exhibitions we can attend and see it all up close and personal and have the ultimate aircon sales pitch thrown at us hoping to convince us that this is our dream come true in a box.
But there is another option for us coffee drinkers who love to spend the time reading instead of going around trade shows. You can have the best of both worlds by reading the latest aircon industry-related news online, which is delivered straight to your smart device. Order your latte and go sit in that big armchair in the back of the café and enjoy it!
Should We, Or Shouldn’t We?
If it means that walking into my house won’t be like stepping out of a plane door into holiday mode weather, then I’m all about having an aircon.