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The term “feng shui” is thrown around a lot, but few people really try to implement it into their homes. We say a place has good feng shui, but what does that really mean?
We’re going to take a look at some of the key elements of feng shui in this article.
Hopefully, the information below can serve as a brief guide for you to organize your home in a meaningful way.

The information below should also help you understand the principles of feng shui so that you can implement them in your own unique way. Let’s take a look.
1. Learn the Point of Feng Shui Elements
The idea of feng shui is to create a place that is conducive to harmony. Feng shui is an ancient practice that seeks to organize physical materials inside of a space to produce an enhanced level of harmony or peace within that space.
The idea, then, is that the organization of those things in such a way will contribute to the inner harmony of the person who experiences them.
When it’s an area such as the place you live, that difference can have a big impact on the way that you live your life.
It can also enhance your mood, calm your mind, and set a solid foundation for your mental health as you go about your life.
2. Understand Chi
Chi also called “qi” is the energy that pervades any given space or thing. We have chi within our bodies, just as there’s chi running through a forest or a river.
The idea might sound a little far-fetched if you’re not familiar with Eastern religion or other schools of thought that conceptualize energy.
When you get down to it, though, everything within our bodies operates on energy.
Whether you think of the flow of energy as particles that flow or get caught up in certain areas, or you think of it as the transference of chemicals from one system to another, there’s a flow happening.
Using chi within your home requires that you think of the energy of your room in the same way.
Think about how your room feels when there’s garbage on the floor, your furniture is shoved out of place, and your bed is scattered with clothes.
Now think of the ideal room that you’d feel most comfortable with. What’s different?
It might be hard to put a finger down on what the precise thing is that makes you feel so much better when the room is organized well.
You can think of that ineffable difference as an adjustment to the chi of the room.
Incorporating feng shui allows you to hone in on that chi and use it to keep improving the state of your living space.
3. Feng Shui Water Element
Feng shui utilizes the impact that various elements of the universe can have on a space.
We’ll discuss all of the important ones today, starting with the water element.
The water element is supposed to contribute to a feeling of flow and harmony.
There’s something inherent in water that allows it to flow and change into the space that it occupies, and the idea is that those principles come to your room when you incorporate the element.
You can incorporate this element in a couple of ways. For one, you could use some water-related wall art.
You could also invest in small fountains or other interior accessories that incorporate actual water.
It’s also important to note that water’s corresponding colors are blue and black.
You can use those colors in areas that you feel could use the balancing effect of water.
4. Earth Element Feng Shui
Earth element serves as a good balance point for water. The principles of the earth are grounding, protective, and stable.
Just as the dirt holds things down for everything we know and love, it will do the same for the energy of your room.
A great way to incorporate earth energy into your home is through the use of plants.
Bringing actual soil into your rooms offers you the grounding energy you might need.
Further, the color schemes associated with earth are generally beige browns, tans, dark yellows, and oranges.
Try to have earth-dominant energy in rooms where you tend to relax.
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5. Feng Shui Birth Element
It’s important to recognize your own energy as you try to tune your home as well.
Every birthday corresponds with a particular dominant element and style of energy.
Looking into your particular energy might help you to incorporate specific decor or options that serve a special purpose to you.
There are numerous combinations to determine your particular birth element.
That said, there are a lot of resources that can help you identify that element and inspire you to think of things that might correspond with that energy.
6. Feng Shui Metal Element
The metal element is an important one if you’re a professional or someone who’s looking to add a little more discipline into your life.
This element brings about structure and integrity, removing distractions a creating a space that allows you to get things done.
Generally speaking, white and gray are good colors to use in spaces that you want to incorporate the metal element.
It’s also a good idea to incorporate the use of steel or other metal objects.
Picture frames, desktops, appliances, and furniture are also all options that you can find in metal.
7. Wood Element Feng Shui
The wood element is thought to bring growth and prosperity to an environment.
Lasting vitality and health are associated with trees and the forest, and the idea is that you introduce that energy when you use wood in your living space.
Green and brown are the colors associated with this element, and those colors should be introduced in a fundamental way.
By fundamental, we mean that the walls or key elements of the room should hold space for the wood element.
Plants and vegetation are also great options for incorporating the wood element.
8. Balance Various Elements
A room that holds space for a single element of feng shui would be imbalanced.
All of the elements are countered in various ways by other elements. The degree to which you balance those elements is up to you, but combinations of elements should feel natural to you.
Some elements, instead of countering each other, might also complement one another.
For example, the earth element might be benefited from the water element.
If you’re looking for growth and prosperity, you’ll also need an atmosphere of flow and ease.
It’s difficult to grow if you’re constricted and caught up in various ways. So, just like the tree needs water to grow, your room’s earth element may need a water element to complete the energy.
9. Don’t Overthink Things
Keep in mind that you are a crucial piece of the feng shui. A room’s energy doesn’t matter much if there’s nobody there to experience it.
The observer of the energy completes the process, which means that your preferences are a big part of the entire project.
If you’re worried that you’re not incorporating enough of various things to complete the feng shui, take a step back.
Ask yourself if you enjoy the atmosphere of the room. Then, think about what you would do to improve it if you weren’t thinking in terms of feng shui.
You might find that your natural ideas of changing the room correspond with some element of feng shui.
On some level, we all know what it is that the room needs. It’s just a matter of getting out of your own way and being present in the room to notice where things might be a little out of balance.
10. Allow for Space
It’s also important not to cram too many things into any space. That is unless you prefer that things are jammed together and that creates an interesting atmosphere for you.
In most cases, though, it’s beneficial to open up space to allow energy to move freely.
Whatever your feng shui is doing in a particular room, there’s a good chance that every element you’re using needs some room to breathe.
There’s a balance to strike with space, though. You can’t just place one water element object in a room and call it quits.
Try to spend some time thinking about the economy of space, what works, what’s constricting the room, and how you feel with different arrangements.
11. Keep Things Clean
The final note to make is that cleanliness is everything. When you’re not keeping up with cleaning and maintaining the spaces in your home, all of your feng shui gets muddled.
A little clutter might be natural, but you know where the line has to be drawn.
It can be tough to keep things in order, but you might have an easier time when the feeling of good feng shui is at stake.
Want to Learn More About Interior Design?
Using the proper feng shui elements is just one part of getting your home just right.
There’s a lot to think about when you’re designing and organizing the place that you live.
We’re here to help you with some of the finer points. Explore our site for more ideas on feng shui, furniture, lifestyle, and much more.