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A rainy season creates awesome beauty everywhere during this time of a year. Plants, trees, flowers, etc. wear a new garment of freshness and prosperity. Although, there are lots of benefits of rain to nature, yet it brings a variety of issues to different landscape designs.
Without proper drainage management, the exterior of a house can face problems such as the collection of water in a yard, damage to plants/flowers, breeding of mosquitoes, developing of swam mess, etc.

It is not easy to correct the excessive damages caused by rainwater to a landscape. However, you can protect yourself from such issues through some precautions. Some common such issues and ways of resolving them are:
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1. Poor Instalment of Downpipes and Gutters
The downspouts play a major role to drain water from inside and outside of a home. But, if they are not installed and maintained appropriately, they can create really harmful and devastating issues.
To avoid the overflowing of water from pipes, it is good to point these pipes away from your dwelling place and connect them to some drainage system to take water flow further.
According to some professionals at, it is important to clean the drainage system timely as lots of debris like leaves, grass, plastic bags, etc. collects in its way. Otherwise, overflooded water would collect in your garden and create a pool to give breeding to mosquitos and flies.
2. Improper Drainage System
It is seen that often builders and landscapers do not make proper arrangements of water flow from a landscape area where it has collected. When the rain pours down, water collects within big pits and can enter into your house or building.
A proper solution to this issue is to make good drainage plans through which collected water should find a way to flow via a drainage system and move further away.
3. Flow from Upper Lands
Some houses are built on the downside of a hill area. Their gardens often get great damages from rainwater coming from upper lands. This water can be diverted by making some swale or berm. You can also change the route of such water towards some dry well.
4. Collection of Water on Flat Areas
Sometimes, water collects on flat areas of a landscape and soil remains saturated. This is often called surface depression where water creates a pool in surface areas around a house. To solve this issue, you can fill and grade some areas to let water flow away from the residential place. If it doesn’t help, think about making a swale or underground drainage system.
Apart from these, sometimes, specific types of soils such as clay and silt also create drainage issues in a landscape. They do not let water flow easily and remain wet most of the time. A sandy soil around your house can also give water various ways to enter into your abode’s foundations and can make walls damp.
To correct this issue, use pea gravel or organic matters for soil that will not let water collect in landscape anyhow.
The above-mentioned tricks can prove helpful to a great extent, yet in case of big damages, it is good to take the help of some professional landscapers.