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Have you ever stepped into a room and felt like you’ve walked into a pyramid chamber that hadn’t been opened for 2000 years? That might feel so if the air quality is poor and ventilation is absent. Even though it may sound harsh, this is an issue that can affect the functionality of a space and make it a less desirable place to live, although this is not limited to residential buildings.

The Air Quality Index (AQI) is something everyone should be concerned about. Especially at home, where we spend most of our time. The number of contaminants that are present in the air you breathe can considerably affect your life and health. Too often have people gotten sick due to low air quality in their homes. Lung disease, asthma, and even cancer are just some of the afflictions that could affect you or your loved ones.
Here Are 5 Contaminants That May Plague Your Home
Ever wondered if your home is safe? Read about these 5 contaminants that may plague your home.
Nitrogen Dioxide
This is one of the world’s most widespread air contaminant. This gaseous compound mostly results from incomplete fossil fuel burn and cars exhausts. Given that London’s traffic is no joke, it’s no wonder that nitrogen dioxide surrounds us. From lung cancer to ozone layer damage, the effects of this toxic gas stretch beyond the issues of unbreathable air.

What about your home? The biggest indoor sources of nitrogen dioxide are gas stoves and cigarette smoke. Installing a residential air conditioning system can help in eliminating the nitrogen dioxide particles from the air. To further reduce this contaminant, changing your stove and smoking outside are great options.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
This category of contaminants is made up of multiple items that we are commonly exposed to around the house: paints and preservatives, insect repellents, various air fresheners, and disinfectants. VOC are found mostly indoors as residential air conditioning is not always truly effective.
The proper heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system can easily help you when it comes to getting rid of VOC. Whether you opt for individual solutions or a combination, make sure you do your research first. Too many times have homeowners been scammed into buying inefficient air conditioning systems that caused more damage than good.

As you can see, VOCs are quite dangerous to homeowners. If you’re not protecting yourself from the various sources of indoor VOCs, you’re exposing both yourself and your family to health risks that can lead to long-term affliction. The steps towards achieving higher air quality in your home are investing in a proper air conditioning system and reducing the use of products that contain VOCs.
Asbestos has been long used as a construction material between the 1940s and the 1970s. Unfortunately, back then, the extensive health implications of inhaling asbestos particles wasn’t known to the extent it is today. We now know that asbestos particles are responsible for causing lung disease when inhaled.

Now, just because asbestos was used when constructing your home doesn’t mean you’re at risk of developing lung disease. As long as you take care of the parts of your home that contain asbestos, you will be fine. This includes preventing damage from water or abrasions.
Insect Excretions
Neglecting your air conditioning system can cause various pests to invade your home. Cockroaches, spiders, flies, and other small insects can rapidly establish their homes in your cooling or heating ducts. When these ducts are used by your HVAC system, your home can easily become infested with insect excretions.

The average insect carries around more than a dozen bacteria and viruses that are dangerous for your health. Regular maintenance from a specialist can help you avoid the situation where these pests invade your home.
Mold Spores
Finding mold spores in your home is a good reason to panic. Besides the more common lung diseases, mold also causes soft tissue irritation and skin reactions. If left uncontrolled for long periods of time, mold spores can even cause asthma. The most common cause of mold spores is high moisture.

You can easily identify mold spores by assessing the smell of the air that comes out of your air conditioning unit. Other signs include visible mold patches and recurring respiratory symptoms. Calling in a specialist is your best option if you notice any of these signs.
Regardless if you are a homeowner or have commercial intentions. The return on clean air investment is indisputable.
The health implication of neglected air quality is not to be underestimated. Extended exposure to any of the above-listed air contaminants can attack your (or your families, or clients) immune systems, causing a variety of adverse health effects:
- Sensory irritation of the eyes, nose, or throat
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Skin irritation
- Nonspecific hypersensitivity reactions
- Infectious diseases
- Infliction to odor and taste sensory systems
- Inflammatory diseases of the respiration tract
- Asthma and asthma-like symptoms (chest tightness and wheezing)
- Skin dryness and irritation, gastrointestinal complaints
Don’t neglect your home’s air quality! Residential air conditioning is less complex than commercial air conditioning, but it’s equally important.
You could end up with an unexpected disease that could jeopardize your long-term quality of life. Not to mention the fact that low air quality will drastically affect the resale value of your home.
HVAC systems come in all shapes and sizes. Choosing the right unit will improve the quality of your life in multiple ways: you’ll suffer from fewer airborne diseases, you’ll enjoy the indoor space more thanks to proper cooling and ventilation, and you won’t have temperature issues during the winter months.
All of these benefits can be achieved by investing in the right unit. You should worry less about the unit being individual or combined and worry more about it being able to meet your needs. Larger areas will need more powerful HVAC’s while smaller areas can get away with smaller HVAC’s.