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One of the creepiest discoveries any homeowner can make is finding animals living inside the walls of his home. Let’s face it – nobody wants to discover animals creeping about inside their walls. This is why we created this article.

In the lines below, we’ll talk about the most common types of animals to sneak into your walls, how they got there, as well as what the main dangers they pose are. So whether you’ve got wild animals inside your wall, or are just taking precautions to that effect, read this.
Signs of Animals in The Walls
First of all, here are some common tell-tale signs that there are wild animals living inside your walls:
- You hear noises in the walls – by far the most obvious sign that there are animals inside your walls is that you will hear scratching or climbing noises right inside your walls. And yes, it’s quite frightening. Now, the tricky part is listening intently to identify the animal from the sounds. We’ll talk more about that later on.
- You’ll feel the smell – while wild animals may be living inside your walls, they’ll still be going in and out quite a bit, and are apt to leave behind a trail of urine and droppings. And since those, particularly the urine, have quite a pungent smell, it might be another alert sign that there are animals on your property.
- You’ve seen animal traces nearby – if you keep finding fur, signs of chewing, or even animal droppings on your property, but can’t seem to locate the source, it might be a good chance that they have set up camp inside your walls.
What Animals Live Inside the Walls?
Okay, so you’re now pretty sure you’ve got an animal living inside your walls, but which animal? While any animal can, through some coincidence, sneak in there, we do have some common culprits – rats, mice, and squirrels are by far the most common wall intruders, together with bats.
Regardless of which it is, one of the main dangers about having wild animals inside your wall is that they might die in there, causing a foul odor to permeate through the house, as well as attracting other animals. We recommend that you visit to learn about removing dead animals from the walls.
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How Do You Tell Which Is Which?
Ah, here comes the tricky part we were talking about earlier. Listening to the noises an animal makes to distinguish it from other potential candidates.
Keep in mind that, even if you correctly identify the animal, you should still leave its removal up to professionals like Wildlife X Team Oklahoma City. attempting to remove a wild animal from inside your wall can cause structural damage, not to mention result in serious injury.
So how do you tell animals apart from the noises they make? It’s actually not that complicated. A good indicator is a time you usually hear the noises. If the noises come during the day, then it’s most likely squirrels, which are diurnal. If, however, the noises can be heard at night, it’s most likely to be mice, rats, or bats.
So, Rats or Bats?
Here, again, we can easily distinguish between the two, by listening to what it sounds like. If the noises you’re hearing sound a lot like chirping, then the animal on your wall is most likely to be a bat. That’s because what you are hearing is, in fact, the bats communicating with one another through a rather complex system.
If, however, the noises you hear sound more like climbing or scratching, then it’s most likely that the animals on your walls are either rats or bats.
Chirping noises mostly indicate the presence of a bat. Keep in mind that you should contact professionals for safe bat exclusion.
Fix Up Potential Attraction Points.
While there isn’t much you can do about getting the animal out on your own, you can limit the things that attract it to your property. Fixing leaky pipes, for instance, can reduce any potential water sources. So can secure your trash cans, and pet food bowls, so as not to give the animals a food source.
Careful, though, you’ll only want to set about repairing the entry point to your home after a professional wildlife removal expert has gotten the animal out. Otherwise, you trap it inside your wall, where it will die, causing you all sorts of problems