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There are several important factors to consider when it is time for babies to be born in your fish tank.
First and foremost, the baby guppies really need a safe place that is separate from the rest of the tank.
If they are not separated from the other fish, then the other guppies in the tank are likely going to see the baby guppies as their next meal.
In an ideal situation, you would have an entire second tank for a breeding tank. When she is about to give birth, you would place the mother guppy into the breeding tank and remove her when she is done giving birth.
For a temporary situation, you can use a large glass container. Of course, you need to make sure that you are keeping a close eye on the situation because you cannot put her into a large glass container until it actually goes time.
A breeding box is another completely great option for separating the baby fish from the rest of the fish. Usually constructed of mesh or plastic, the breeding box simply sits in the tank you already have.
If you plan to leave a pregnant guppy in your main tank for her birth, then you will want to make sure that your fry will have plenty of hiding spaces once they are born.
Planting some live aquatic plants, moss, roots and other hiding spaces will increase their chances of survival.
Usually around two weeks of age young guppies are big enough to stop worrying so much about being eaten alive. Read more on, a website that teaches anyone who wants to keep fish, learn how to do so safely.
Feeding Baby Guppies
Baby guppies are extremely small. On average they are around 6mm long. However, they do tend to grow rapidly and need to be fed often.
Their digestion is different from adult guppies and baby guppies actually digest food in around 20 minutes. This does not necessarily mean you need to feed them this often, but definitely feed baby guppies at least twice a day.
If you intend to sell these guppies, you may consider feeding them more like 5 to 10 times a day to help them grow faster.
Guppy fry can eat whatever you want to feed them. However, they are very tiny fish and you need to make sure the food you feed is small enough for them to eat.
Ideally, you would give them live food, but you will want to use baby brine shrimp or the micro worms to make sure the baby guppies can access it.
Creating Your Breeding Environment
Separate Breeding Tank
When you are breeding Guppies, it is always better to have a separate tank that you can breed them in.
Keeping the tank bare at the bottom allows for a cleaner environment. Use floating plants for hiding spots for fry, when they are born.
Creating the Water Conditions for Breeding
When you are looking to breed your fish, raise the water temperature by 2° to 3°F. This will allow for the optimal breeding temperature for your fish, to ensure success and comfort.
The Spawning Process
Guppies breed in the following way: The male fish passes a package of sperm into the female.
This packet then splits, and the female is able to store and use this as she needs to, in order to have fry over a period of several months.
Feeding Guppy Fry
Guppy Fry needs to be fed more regularly than adult Guppies, and they need to be fed smaller amounts.
The ideal number is five times a day and they can eat the same food as their adult counterparts, as long as it is crushed up small enough for them to consume.