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Keeping independent as you get older is difficult especially in the home as having to navigate around it can be difficult as your body gets weaker through old age.
Having said that there are a few different things you can do to make your home safer and easier to use.

In this blog post, we will look at some of the best home safety tips for seniors and if you know someone who is struggling with their mobility due to old age we would love it if you could share this article with them.
1. Installing Accessible Equipment
One of the main problems, when you get older, is your mobility, and getting around your home can be difficult due to flooring choices, your stairs, and even the furniture in your home.
So our first tip would be to install equipment that can help you navigate around your home.
Stairlifts for example are a great piece of equipment that can help tackle the stairs every day. Going up and down the stairs can be a major hazard if you are starting to lose your balance which can result in a nasty fall.
Trips and falls according to Taking Care are one of the leading causes of major injuries for people over the age of 65 and should be the first place to look when making your home safer.
2. Fix Your Flooring
Still, on the subject of trips and falls, the next place to fix when it comes to making your home safe for seniors is the flooring.
Some of us will have broken and uneven flooring, while others may have loose rugs or carpets where the edges are pulling up.
All of these can cause a trip or fall in your home so be sure to look out for them and fix them if necessary. I’d also recommend getting rid of any rugs in your home as they can be slippery if not fitted properly.
Laminate flooring or low pile carpeting can be a good choice if you are looking to replace the floor in your home as they are much easier for older people to walk on.
They are also easier to maintain and you are less likely to slip on them.
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3. Remove Furniture
As we get older we tend to accumulate more items. As we accumulate these items we start to run out of room and when this happens we start blocking vital walkways in the home.
This starts to cause hazards and once again can result in a trip or fall in the home.
With most of us, we don’t want to get rid of our furniture as it will hold sentimental value, in this case, you could consider putting your items into self storage as it’s a cheaper option than moving home to accommodate for your furniture.
As a senior, you probably aren’t looking to upsize your home at this point in time either so having a place to store some of your least used goods can help.
Self-storage is cheap and worth investing in if you find yourself falling over your furniture regularly.
4. Designing Your Home Around You
If your budget allows you to redesign your home then you should take the time to install fixtures and fittings that will make your life easier.
In the bathroom, you could install handrails to keep you from falling over while washing. You could also install a walk-in shower or bath that makes it safer for you to wash without having to climb in the bath.
In the kitchen, you can adapt your cupboards and sink unit to be at a lower level so you aren’t constantly stretching and reaching out for things that could put you out of balance.
In the bathroom, you can install a higher toilet seat so you don’t have to bend down as far.
As you can see there are so many options when it comes to designing a home for a senior person so if you need help be sure to speak with a qualified builder who has experience in home adaptations for the elderly.
As we get older and our bodies become weaker we are more likely to hurt ourselves at home. Unfortunately, a trip or fall can be serious to a senior person so trying to prevent one is very important.
These tips above are a good start but as mentioned above if you want to make your home safer as you age please talk to a builder who has experience in home adaptations for the elderly.