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As spring bids adieu it also leaves behind the problem of unsightly fungus in your gardens and lawns. This is a phenomenon that is all the more common in areas that have heavy snowfall.

If your garden has long grass-like perennial ryegrass or Kentucky bluegrass it can call for such snow molds. This is a fungal lawn disease that can damage the grass and the overall look of your garden to a huge extent.
They can come in different colors like white gray and pink. In the course of this discussion, we will take a look at the steps that you can take to remove this fungus.
Remove Snow
Experts of lawn care Woodstock have pointed out that areas and grounds which receive a lot of snowfall and the snow is allowed to accumulate and then remain on the ground for long are considered to be the best breeding grounds of snow mold.
Hence if you wish to address the problem of snow molds once and for all, you cannot allow snow to fall, accumulate and ten rests on your gardens for a long time.
They need to be removed from time to time. The areas between the ground and the snow are considered to be the most favorable for the breeding of these fungus-like molds.
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Mow The Lawn
As mentioned in the opening of the discussion, gardens, and lawns with tall or long grass are often the more suitable places where you can find the growth o these snow molds.
Hence you cannot allow your garden grass to grow very long. In fact from the time of fall itself the length of the grasses standing in your gardens must be shortened.
They must not be allowed to grow too big, as it fosters the development of the snow mold.
Garden Drainage
You must also spare a keen and close look at the condition of your garden’s drainage.
In case there is a leakage in the pipes or if the water is not flowing out of your garden in a ready manner then there is every possibility that in the winters this water will solidify as ice.
This will harbor the best breeding grounds for snow mold in the in winter. Hence as a preventive measure, you must spare a close look that there must not be any water accumulation in your garden, especially during the fall and the winter season.
Reseed The Affected Area
Snow mold can be very harmful or dangerous for your garden or lawn grass. Often the areas that have been infected have small patches of bald spaces. These are the areas where grass does not grow.
This is when the overall look of your garden can be spoiled in a big way. In this situation, you need to reseed the area. You can take the help of the leading experts of lawn care Atlanta.
These are the best people to take care of the reseeding part. They can help to regrow the grass in your gardens and see to the fact that the glory of your gardens is restored to its former conditions.
Do Not Use Fertilizers
Many people opt for the use of fertilizers in the areas of their gardens that have been affected by snow mold. This is done to foster the healthy growth of fresh and new grass in their lawns or gardens.
However, this is a measure that must be taken up as a last resort. Ideally, you must allow your garden or your lawn to heal on your own.
In fact do not use harsh fertilizers on your gardens right away, first see whether the grasses are beginning to grow on their own. If they do then that is the best thing to happen for your garden.
Take The Help of The Professionals
Both the tasks of removing snow molds and of healing the places where that mold did grow are rather technical in their nature.
This is why you need the services of professional experts of the domain like the Arbor-Nomics Turf. They can provide effective support services and can work on the problems in a jiffy.
DIY solutions might e really inadequate and even dangerous hence hire professionals from the very beginning.