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Whether you have just moved in or have been living in the same home for years, at some point you’ll decide it is time to decorate or renovate.
The simplest solution to give any room a fresh and modern look is to give it a new coat of paint. This is comparatively easy. You can sand the existing wall and add a coat of primer to ensure the final color is the same across the wall. To finish you’ll need to apply your chosen top coat.

It’s then possible to step back and admire your work. The problem is that while the room will instantly look different and potentially more colorful, you may not be happy with the results!
Paint tends to enhance the bumps, scratches, and cracks in a wall. In effect, painting it will highlight all the issues with your wall. If you want to be satisfied with the results you’re going to need to do the job properly.
It should be noted that using wallpaper is an option. However, you’ll need to use a thicker wallpaper if you want to cover all the cracks and dips in your wall. In addition, this can often make it much more difficult to change the look of the room again in the future.
Rebuilding the Wall
Most people won’t think about rebuilding the wall unless theirs is seriously damaged or has sections missing. However, the truth is that this is the most effective way to get a perfect finish.
As an added bonus, polymer formwork can even be created so that sections can be removed. That’s perfect for maintenance in the future.
Rebuilding the wall or adding a new cover is as easy as attaching metal strips and slotting the associated drywall into position. The professionals can put a new façade on a wall or create one from scratch in a very short space of time.
You can then paint it and admire it. There is no better, long-term solution.
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Repairing Dents
If you prefer to work with what you have then you’ll need to learn about how to repair dents and dinks in your wall. It’s natural for a wall to develop these as time passes. Furniture and children’s toys are the biggest culprits but anything can damage a wall.
To deal with a dent you’ll need to add filler to the wall. You can purchase this ready mixed or mix it yourself. It’s best to overfill the dent or hole and then sand it back level to the wall.
Don’t forget, if you are dealing with a large hole you’ll need to use mesh across the hole. It gives the filler something to adhere to.
Dealing with Cracks
Cracks are similar to dents and holes but generally much thinner. This can make them more difficult to fill properly. That’s why the best approach is to widen the crack. This will make it easier to add the filler, sand it, and get a good finish.
Once you’ve widened the crack you’ll need to clear all the loose debris out, a vacuum can be a good idea for this. You can then apply your filler.
You should note that cracks over 25mm are considered serious. It’s a good idea to have them checked by a professional before going any further.
Once you start looking at your walls you’ll probably realize there are a lot of fine cracks, dents, and even holes. This can make it time-consuming to prep them all, fill them, sand them, and then repeat if necessary.
The best option is the new façade as already mentioned.
However, if you prefer you can re-plaster the walls. This means adding a coat of plaster to the top of the existing walls.
It should be noted that plastering is a skill that takes practice and it’s not easy to sand once it has been set. That’s why, if you decide plastering is the way to go, you are best letting the professionals handle it.
The Bottom Line
All the above methods allow you to create a perfect wall that can then be painted and look fantastic. However, the best long-term and cost-effective solution are to replace the façade. It’s simple and very effective. What more can you ask for.