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Office Decorating Tips: How to Decorate Your Office — We spend a lot of our working hours sitting at the desk, whether it’s in the actual office or a part of your home you call one. Because you spend so much time there, perhaps you should consider decorating it to your liking. Not only will it give this space a much needed personal touch, it can help you be more productive.
How to Decorate Your Office to Maximize Productivity
However, you have to consider how the decoration will fit your workspace and the overall appeal of the office. In this article, we will give you a couple of expert office decorating tips.

Think About the Available Space
Before you actually start decorating, consider if you have enough room to add various items in your office and on your desk. Are your family photos and plants going to limit your available space and interfere with your work? If you, you might want to consider getting a bigger work desk like the ones available here:
Having more available space will also help you de-clutter your work area. No plants or photos are going to help you if your desk is a mess of documents, supplies and other clutter.
Display Pictures on a Wire
Photo frames are great, but also tend to clutter your workspace. A very neat alternative is displaying your photos on a wire. That way you could feature more photos of your family or even tell a story in a chronological order. It’s fun, it’s unusual and it’s guaranteed to add a personal touch to your office.
Add Some Greenery
The easiest and best way to liven up your workplace is to add some plants. Not only do they look great, they also help purify the air in your office. The only catch is that you’ll have to remember to water them regularly. If you’re easy to forget such tasks, perhaps you should choose a low-maintenance plant.
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Decorate Your Task Boards
Task boards are supposed to be functional, but no one says they can’t just be fun as well. Instead of plain old cork, consider adding some colorful decorations to personalize your board. You can add life to the board and even use decorations to signify priority tasks. Your boards aren’t going to be so boring then.
Display Art Pieces
Many workers find hanging art pieces motivating and inspiring, not just for them but the entire office. Art can help transform your office completely, from the style to the mood. In order to give your office a unique personality, consider hanging some of your favorite artworks.
Remember the Rules
Although you should be free to decorate your own work area to your liking, you would have to run any bigger additions like board decoration or artworks with your superiors. Make sure they aren’t against any rules in your company. Perhaps an artwork you want to display is not in line with your company’s rules, which is why it’s always a good idea to ask for permission first.
Contact Shore Office Warehouse at:
9530 Cabot Dr, San Diego, CA 92126
(858) 271-8645