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The amount of readers in American has decreased under the pressure of our visual culture and fast-paced world. However, over 3/4 of Americans still love spending time with a book.
The beauty of reading goes beyond the book you’re actually reading. Time spent in solitude and investing brainpower into creating a world from words can help you improve your cognition, memory, and creativity.

If you’re a true book lover, you’ll want to create a reading nook. A nook is a perfect place to improve your focus and get some reading done.
This article will walk you through 4 great ideas to help you create the reading nook of your dreams.
1. Transform a Closet
One of the coziest ways you can create a nook for reading in your personal world is to turn one of your closets into a reading room.
Do you have more closets than you know what to do with? Why not reappropriate the space as a place where you can go to be alone.
You might be using all of your closets for clothes — but perhaps you have too much closet space. Are some of your closets just too big? Consider moving clothes from one into another to make more room out of the empty space in this apartment.
When you do this, you can create a cozy reading closet built for one.
First off, install a little couch cushion so that you’re able to stay comfortable when in there. Then, put in a little lamp that casts a rustic light down from above. Other spaces in your house might have uneven lighting — but this light is optimal for illuminating your pages.
Get some pillows in there as well that go along with the coziness of the style.
If you really want to make it a top-tier reading nook, consider adding a shelf underneath the seat. This will ensure that you have a selection of books for when you head into your closet reading nook for private reading time. When you do this, you eliminate the need to leave the nook if you want to get a new book.
The biggest downside of a closet reading nook is that, while it’s aesthetically pleasing and cozy, it can be quite impractical. Most people need more space than that to read. However, a closet reading good is perfect for children.
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2. Make Use of Window Space
A great option for adults is a window reading nook. If you have a large window space that you just don’t know what to do with, consider turning it into your reading zone.
A window reading nook is great because you can build it perfectly into your living room area or hallway space. If you have some windows that get great light in one part of the house, all you really need to do is add a window seat. Perhaps install a bookshelf near the window seat to give yourself some options, and invest in some pillows that look good.
Window reading nooks are particularly great for day-readers. You don’t need to turn any lights on, and can read in natural light.
We say that window nooks are great for adults because of the amount of space that they allow. One can be in their reading nook while also being in their living room, or another sort of space.
However, not everyone has the windows to make it work. We would say that these people could simply move on to another option, as we did for the closet space. However, the window reading nook is so perfect that if you’re truly dedicated to making a nook, we recommend you shell out a bit of money for it.
To forge a nook from your house, you’re going to want to make use of a window renewal service — a company that replaces and updates your window look. For such a service, check out Renewal by Andersen Windows & Doors.
We recommend adding a piano, guitar, or another musical instrument into your newfangled living room/nook space, to truly make the creativity of the area shine.
3. Design a Personal Library
Have you just moved into a house with a lot of rooms? Are you a serious book lover who has collected books all of their life? Then it might be time for you to invest in a personal library.
A personal library is perfect for anyone with so many books that they wind up scattered throughout rooms, piled up on coffee tables, and sitting inside bins. You can set up shelves that are broken apart by genre and author so that you can access any world when you need it most.
You don’t need to design a personal library after a public library, however. You can turn it into the reading area of your dreams.
Add a table where you and a guest can share ideas from literature. Insert a closet reading nook where you can go off to read alone. Create a window nook in a certain section.
We recommend bringing some chairs as well, setting up some lamps, and making it a place where your whole family can sit, read, and relax. Insert a stereo system by which you can play relaxing music while you read.
Americans watch over 3 hours of TV every day. If you would rather your children become the reading types, consider making your library your family room.
Make Your Dream Reading Nook
As you can see, a reading nook can be one of the most beautiful spaces in your house. Whether you forge a room out of a closet, add your nook into a living room, or create your own personal library, a reading nook will enhance the life of any avid reader.
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