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The debate regarding whether wallpaper or paint is better for the interior walls is an old one, and there are no clear winners here because each comes with their own set of advantages and disadvantages when compared to the other.
It’s a matter of taste and overall décor of the room, among other things, but there is no doubt about the fact that the potential application of wallpaper in the living room is much more extensive than just plain old paint.

6 Ways to Make Wallpaper Work in Your Living Room
To know what we are talking about here, go through the following points and see if you can’t gather some fresh and unique ideas for your next living room renovation project.
Must Read:
- How Painting Your Furniture Can Give Your Room a Chic and Trendy Feel
- The Various Kinds of Wall Tiles You Must Know About
- Guide to Picking Trendy Home Décor to Revamp Your Old Boring Living Room into a Happening Place
- Wall Improvement: What To Put On All Those Walls?
- Homemade Wall Decoration Ideas Tips and Tricks for Your Home
The Classic Wall Covering with a Twist
Wallpaper covers walls, and there’s usually nothing else to the classic method other than sizing the paper, putting on the glue and pasting it over the walls until you have covered them fully. However, we are going to put a twist on the classic method by choosing separate wallpaper designs for each of the walls in the living room.
You can make the difference between them subtle or noticeable, but there’s also the option of making each wall stand out with a contrasting personality. One wall could sport a Sumi by Harlequin for a modern expression, while the opposing wall could be perfectly contrasting the geometric shapes with the colourful feathers in Harlequin’sAmaziliaLimosa collection.
If you would like to play it subtle though, then maybe cover each wall up with different collections in the same Sumi series of wallpapers? The choice is wholly yours and it should depend on what kind of a personality you want to reflect with the design of your living room.
As far as checking out and selecting all the different designs, colours, and fresh collections are concerned, Fashion Interiors has the most updated collection of wallpaper, and you can check everything out right from your phone or laptop using their site. Just make sure that the same theme and personality is echoed by everything else in the room as well.
Half Wallpaper – Half Paint
This is one of those ideas which makes the paint vs wallpaper debate irrelevant because you will be using both to create a beautiful blend in your living room. Use wallpaper to cover the top half of your walls and paint the bottom half with a shade that doesn’t create a big contrast between the wallpaper and the paint.
The idea here is to show off the variation without being too harsh on the eyes by highlighting the differences between them.
Two Wallpapers on the Same Wall
This one is hard to pull off, although it’s an old trick. Nevertheless, it makes each wall more interesting when done right. Your options include the following.
- Separating horizontally from the middle
- Separating vertically from the middle
- Flanking a central design with a separate design from the sides
Wallpaper on Ceiling?
The ceiling rarely comes to mind when someone mentions wallpaper, but you can most certainly use it up there. Make sure that you choose a design that would stand out from the rest of the walls, so feel free to go bold.
A piece of advice to keep in mind here is that putting wallpaper on the ceiling is not a job for someone who has no prior experience in doing so. Call in professional help if required, because managing wallpaper that’s peeling off from the ceiling is no easy feat!
Wallpapering the Furniture?
Popularly known as decoupage, it can do wonders for old furniture and lampshades by breathing new life into them. Instead of looking old and weary in a modern, furnished room, that old drawer or coffee table can blend in and become a part of the décor, complementing and enhancing the personality of the design in your living room.
The point to remember here is that decoupaging only works well on furniture that mostly has clean, sharp lines.
Wallpaper the Feature Wall
Instead of making every wall stand out differently with different wallpaper designs as we discussed earlier, you can choose to have just one wallpapered feature wall. Feature walls are meant to create a focal point, so wallpapering it makes perfect sense, but ensure that the wallpaper complements the photographs or art pieces placed on or in front of the wall perfectly, or at least that the wallpaper doesn’t create a contradiction between the wall and what it’s showcasing.
That’s about it as far as wallpapering ideas and living rooms go, but don’t take everything we just discussed as separate ideas because some of them can be blended in and experimented with as well. Nevertheless, you are less likely to make an interior designing mistake if you stick with any of the tried and true strategies we just discussed.