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India is widely dependent on farming and has a large population involved in agriculture. The techniques and the way farming is done are changing and slowly technology is taking over making the work of farmers and farming a lot easier and more efficient.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Digital India in 2015 that aims towards the promotion of digital literacy and the creation of digital infrastructure. This has been a huge help in rural India to gain the success of the farming community.

58% of livelihood still depends on agriculture and with the help of digital agriculture, there has been rapid growth and prosperity in farming in India.
There are several farming apps available for the use of farmers that makes their task a lot more organized and hassle-free. These apps are useful as they give farming tips, guides for the proper scientific ways of farming, crop cultivation, sowing or harvesting, etc.
A farmer’s app can be their best friend that enhances their productivity, tells them they do and don’t, manages the money invested and helps them in every possible way.
Best Mobile Apps for Farmers
Lio is a great application to be used by farmers for a more organized life. Lio makes sure that you keep a track of all your things, budgets, crops, fertilizers, vehicles, animals, and absolutely everything that is linked to the life of a farmer.
The application offers you specific templates for farmers and also provides the opportunity to create your own based on your needs. You can add pictures, have collaborators, upload other documents all on Lio.
Kisan Suvidha
Kisan Suvidha was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2016 to work towards the empowerment of farmers and the development of the villages. The application offers a user-friendly interface and information on weather and forecast for the next five days.
One can also know the market prices of commodities/crops in the nearest town for their own use. Apart from this, users can learn all about fertilizers, machinery, seeds, etc. One of the best parts about the app is that it is available in different languages.
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IFFCO Kisan Agriculture
IFFCO Kisan Agriculture, launched in 2015, is a subsidiary of Indian Farmers’ fertilizer Cooperative Ltd. The applications help farmers make more informed decisions through customized information related to their needs.
Users of the application have access to a lot of useful information like agricultural advisory, weather, market prices, agriculture information library in the form of imagery, text, audio, and videos. There are also helpline numbers to get in touch with Kisan Call Centre Services.
RML Farmer- Krishi Mitr
Want to keep up with the latest commodity and mandi prices? RML farmer – Krishi Mitr is one such app that lets you do it and a lot more. You can know about the precise usage of pesticides and fertilizers, farm and farmer-related news, weather forecast, and advisory.
You will also know about the agricultural advice and the news regarding the government’s agricultural policies and schemes. You can choose from 450 crop varieties, 1300 mandis, and 3500 weather locations across 50,000 villages and 17 states of India.
Agri App
The Agri App is a farmer-friendly application that offers complete information on crop production, protection, and other agriculture-related issues.
It offers access to all information related to “high value, low product” category crops from varieties, soil/climate, harvesting, and storage procedures.
You may also chat with experts, get the latest news, online markets for fertilizers, insecticides and get video-based learnings
Another nice mobile surveys app for farmers in India is Kheti-Badi which is a social initiative app that promotes and supports “organic farming” and offers information. issues related to farmers in India.
With Kheti Badi, farmers can have an easy transition from chemical farming to organic farming. The app is available in multiple languages.