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Do you own a farm or a huge land where you want to cultivate plants? If so, you need an agricultural irrigation pipe. Do not worry as there are a lot of poly pipe manufacturers around that can help you build an irrigation pipe specially made to provide your special and specific needs.
But of course, with so many manufacturers to hire, finding the right one is not the easiest to do. Although it is hard, it is possible provided that you take time doing so.

One of the things you can do to ensure that you are working with a good poly pipe manufacturer is to ask questions. The more questions you ask, the closer you can get to hiring a good manufacturer.
Some are not as confident about asking questions as they think that if they do so, it will require them to hire the manufacturer’s services. Actually, as long as your questions are relevant to their service, asking questions should not be an issue at all.
To help you get started, here are a few questions that can help you determine if the pipe manufacturer is the right one to build your irrigation pipe:
Do you Install Them?
Apart from manufacturing pipes, are they also capable of installing them? As much as possible, you want to hire manufacturers that are also installing the pipes they manufacture.
Dealing with just one company is a good idea to enjoy convenience and ease of building a good relationship. Apart from irrigation pipes for agriculture, are they also capable of manufacturing pontoons for boats, solar pumps, metered outlets, etc? The more services they can offer, the better. You may not need these services today, but you may soon.
When can you Finish?
Timeline is very important for projects as such. When can they finish the project? Can they finish it before your target date? You are asking this question not to push or harass them to finish the work but to set your expectation and know whether they can adhere to your required schedule or not.
Just to make sure you won’t get disappointed, it is best if you hire earlier, so the job can be finished on time even if there are problems and issues that may arise in the future.
You can also negotiate for time, but in the midst of negotiating for time, make sure that that quality of work won’t get affected negatively.
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Does it Come with a Warranty?
You may also want to ask about the warranty. What kind of warranty do they provide? Is the warranty good enough to cover any expenses that may arise in the future? Make sure that they offer a warranty that is good enough to help you escape any expenses in repairs.
There are some companies that will claim they have warranties just for the sake of saying so, so make sure that the warranty is good and helpful enough.
How Much Will it Cost me?
How much will it cost me? This question is more important for services that require fabrication and customization.
Sure, you are not asking this to choose the manufacturer that offers the cheapest service but to give you an idea whether you can afford their service or not, and also to try to haggle and negotiate.
Can I See Samples of Your Work?
You may also want to request for photos of their work, or if possible, to visit the actual space where they install pipes. Through the samples of their work, you will know how good or not well they are with what they do.