Summer months are here, and the excessive heat is too much to handle. People investigate options for staying cool and keeping their homes cool during summer. Luckily, there are ways…
Corn plants or Dracaena Fragrans is a type of tropical African tree that grows mainly in Europe. Early on during the 1800s, this was used as a type of indoor…
Did you know that taking care of plants can improve your mental health? A little bit of plant care can go a long way toward lowering anxiety and depression, on…
Lighting. It is something we don’t often think about. Instead, we switch the light on and forget about it. Or we open the curtains and get on with our day.…
A roof lantern or skylight is a type of ceiling window. As an architectural element, it can effectively add a centerpiece or showcasing element to any space. When you decide…
Kalanchoe plants belong to the category of succulents. These plants are commonly grown indoors, and therefore they are usually referred to as houseplants. Having said that, if suitable conditions are…
Did you know that owning plants can reduce your stress, hone your attention, and so much more? Having a garden is a huge responsibility. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t…