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The weather in Tennessee can be described as temperate during the winter. It doesn’t suffer the harsh winters that some other states do.
The summers can be muggy for sure, but they are hot, and there are some perfect times for tourists to visit.
However, the state has had its fair share of severe hail storms. Back in 2011, one huge hail storm in Knoxville proved fatal for a number of people. Fortunately, most hail storms cause damage to property rather than individuals.

Anyone witnessing a harsh hail storm will know the damage that it can do to vehicles, and of course to roofs. One of the tips for choosing the best roofing material for your home is to use rubber. This provides the best protection against hail.
Nevertheless, most people don’t have rubber roofs, and the damage caused by hail is all too real. Here, one Tennessee roofer provides a few pointers to hail damage and inspecting for it.
How Often Should You Check for Hail Damage?
Tennessee roofing expert Kyle Brochu recommends inspecting the roof immediately after a hail storm has passed.
This may sound obvious but many people make the assumption that their roof is ok, and there is no need to check for damage. Some people give a cursory inspection from the ground and give it the ok without really checking.
Calling in a roofer could mean the difference between making some minor repairs now, or having a hefty bill later on.
There are some clues you can look for after a hail storm too. Is there damage to your vehicle, or your neighbors’ cars? Have any of your neighbor’s reported roof damage or had to call in a roofing company?
If so, then you may have some damage to your shingles or tiles. This is worth considering because if you need to make an insurance claim then it will be time-sensitive.
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How Much Damage Can Hail Really Do?
In some countries and regions, hail storms are little more than an inconvenience. Hail can be smaller than garden peas, but it can also be the size of baseballs as many found out in 2021.
Back then the Washington Post reported on storms in three areas that caused at least $1 billion in damages. On one night, huge hailstones the size of softballs hit Oklahoma City, Fort Worth, and San Antonio.
Car windows were smashed, and holes were punched through roofs as hail four inches in diameter fell from the sky at velocity.
The Knoxville storm of 2011 caused so much damage that it was still reverberating years later. Millions of dollars were needed to repair the damage caused.
What Happens if Hail Hits a Roof?
When your house comes under attack from a hail storm, you can receive damage in a number of ways.
At worst huge hail storms can literally punch holes in the roof. At best they can cause granular loss and bald spots to shingles. They can crack tiles, cause dings, and they can cause shingles to become loose and fall off.
Damage to shingles may not look too bad from the ground up, but if they are left like this they can deteriorate over time.
Damaged roofs lead to leaks, which lead to mold, mildew, pests, structural damage. Hail storms need to be taken seriously and ignoring the potential damage can be disastrous.
In harsh storms, sidings can even be ripped off too as well as wooden shakes. Also, windows can be broken or cracked. This could also include attic windows if you have them installed.
What Happens if You Ignore This Damage?
You have just read how moisture in a roof can lead to mold and mildew. This doesn’t just lead to unpleasant odors; it can also affect the residents’ health.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that symptoms from mold range from itchy and sore eyes, to more serious issues for asthma sufferers.
Not only this, but holes in the roof will lead to hot air escaping. This will result in higher heating bills and more expenses. Damaged roofs allow pests to move in.
Pests will result in even more damage being done to your attic and roof.
There can be some costly consequences for not repairing hail-damaged homes. It is critical to have a roof inspected after a hail storm.
While this sounds like such obvious advice, many believe that hail cannot hurt a roof. In the case of most mild hail storms, this is undoubtedly true.
But when you look at the terrible storms that hit Knoxville and Fort Worth, you can then understand the true power of a serious hail storm.
If you have witnessed a hail storm that has forced you inside your home then you should be able to understand just how much damage that could do to your roof.