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Have you ever brought a new plant home from the nursery and provided it with care and attention? If you are a plant lover like myself, you may even name it and give it a particular area to grow and thrive.
A few weeks pass by, and your new plant seems to be doing fine, but then leaves start turning brown or worse, drop off. Your beloved plant starts to waste away right in front of you.
Determining what is going wrong can be cryptic and difficult to determine.
Not only do plants die from neglect, but also too much enthusiasm and being over nurtured. So, let’s explore three main reasons why your beloved new plant fades away.

1. Incorrectly Watering your Plant
Overwatering a plant can be just as detrimental as underwatering. One of the most common mistakes is for a plant owner to overwater a lush, healthy new plant and cause root rot.
Root rot deprives a plant of oxygen, the plant’s root becomes unhealthy, and if overwatering continues, the plant will die.
So how do you identify root rot? See if the leaves are turning yellow, slowly wilting, and falling off.
When you purchase your new plant, it is always advisable to ensure the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot are large enough.
This will ensure the soil does not contain too much moisture. If your plant is already suffering from root rot, water it less, remove the plant from the soil, cut the roots, and plant it in fresh soil.
2. Not Enough Light
Plants need sunlight to grow and thrive, and the best light is natural sunlight. A lack of sufficient light will cause the plant to appear pale, floppy, lanky, and eventually, the leaves will shed before finally dying.
To resolve this, you can select leafy houseplants. These plants have adapted to lower levels of light as they commonly grow in tropical rainforests.
Rainforests are so dense that there is often a lack of sunlight, making these plants more robust and enduring environments with poor lighting.
Sometimes just changing the location can make a huge difference. For example, placing a plant near a window or bright area can make a significant difference.
It is also best to avoid growing food plants inside. This includes carrots, basil, tomatoes, or more.
These types of plants require lighter than a typical indoor setting can provide.
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- House Plants: Planting Flowers, How to Take Care of Poinsettias
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3. Over Fertilising
It is relatively easy to spot over-fertilized plants as they will wilt, even when sufficiently watered.
The leaf tips may turn brown or become soft. Fertilizing too much or inadequately will result in the plant getting insufficient nutrients or too much, leading to burning the roots.
Potting soil usually contains a sufficient amount of fertilizer/organic material, so there is no need to rush in and add fertilizer.
It is recommended to select a time-release or solid fertilizer to inhibit burning the roots.
It is best only to fertilize when there are indications the plant requires it. Look for small and stunted new leaves, a lack of growth, or new leaves appearing pale along with having green veins.
Also, look for any white or tanned substance and dust slowly accumulating in the plant’s tray as this is a sign of excess salts and fertilizer.
Final Considerations
We are all aware every plant needs the three basics of light, soil, and water to thrive, and different plants will require varying amounts to survive.
How much water, soil, and light are required? This depends on the species. Some plants may require constant moisture, while others need the soil to dry out completely.
Some varieties need direct light and bright areas to thrive, and others do better in the shade.
Before purchasing new plants, do a bit of research and ask the staff at the nursery for advice.
Some plants are just not suited to living in a pot or indoors, so proper research is essential, as is having a good idea of where you will place the plant.
Providing your new plant with the right conditions usually creates the best outcomes for your plant.