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With its teeming malls and easy access to most cities, Dubai has become the shopping Mecca of the world. You too can join the gravy train and enjoy access to exquisite goods at unbelievable prices.
Before making your order though, you need to contact the best shipping services in Dubai to deliver your merchandise.

The need to get the best shipping services in Dubai attains greater significance when you are shipping delicate items.
This is because failures in the shipping process could lead to hefty losses. You can avoid losses and unnecessary headaches when shipping delicate items by paying attention to the following tips:
Ensure Packages are the Right Size
The size of the box in which your fragile merchandise is packaged matters in guaranteeing safety. Before choosing the right box, consider the size of the delicate items you are shipping.
The ideal shipping box needs to be considerably larger than the shipped item. The greater the size allowance, the more the wrapping materials you can use. Sufficiently wrapped items will not break even if the shipping process is rough.
A large-sized shipping box has some other obvious advantages when it comes to shipping. For starters, you can place conspicuous warnings that the items are delicate on the box.
You can also indicate how the boxes can be stacked for stability and the maximum size of the stacks.
Label Boxes Clearly
You need to keep in mind that many hands will come into contact with your shipping boxes from the source to the destination.
If the labels are not conspicuous or they can erase or fall off easily, confusion will ensue. Your shipping boxes could end up on the other side of the world as a result.
Well-informed importers ensure that they include more than just the outside labeling. Include a label, contact card or address information inside the box too.
In this way, even if the external label is damaged or torn off, your merchandise will get to you nonetheless.
Ensure the Right Amount of Wrapping and Padding
Some importers wrongly assume that the amount of wrapping, safety tape and padding they use, the safer the items are. There are two arguments against this kind of conventional wisdom.
To begin with, if you use too much wrapping and padding for your merchandise, this will increase both the size and weight of the package. Larger and heavier packages attract heftier shipping charges.
There is a possibility that you will cause structural damage to items if you wrap them too tightly. Some merchandise also requires some ventilation if they are to survive long transcontinental trips in good condition.
Do Not Put Too Many Items in One Box
To make sure your shipped packages arrive in good condition, consider putting just the right quantity in each box. Usually, each shipping box should contain a single item.
Where a single box contains multiple items, they should be stacked to ensure optimum usage of space.
Consider Damage from Elements
It is important to get your shipped items in pristine conditions. Many consider that the only damage possible for delicate items comes in the form of breakage because of rough treatment. This is often a costly assumption.
Irrespective of whether the shipment arrives as air freight or by sea, the risk of damage caused by the elements exists. No matter how slight the risk of damage is, it is important to plan for it.
The greatest risk of damage for your shipment comes in the form of water and environmental moisture.
To preclude this eventuality, always ensure the shipping boxes are made of water-resistant and impermeable materials. This precaution is more important when shipping goods via the sea than for air-freight.
Shipments made through sea routes are often in danger of environmental corrosion. Exporters often assume that shipping containers are virtually impermeable to corrosive seawater.
To protect your shipment from corrosive damage as they cross the seas, always ensure shipping boxes have an anti-corrosive lining. In this way, your shipping packages will arrive at the destination in pristine condition.
As a rule, you should only use brand new shipping boxes for every piece of merchandise. The impulse to cut costs by recycling old shipping boxes can be tempting.
Used shipping boxes can have some structural weaknesses and damage not evident with a cursory check.
Consider Insuring your Packages
Even the most careful and meticulous packaging procedures cannot rule out every risk to your packages. It is, however, worth keeping in mind that insurance works only if the items you are shipping are sufficiently valuable.
In some cases, especially if we’re talking collector items such as antiques, the items themselves can be priceless or irreplaceable.
If you ship merchandise overseas regularly, you can find a good insurance package for your goods. The cost of insurance is usually minuscule considered against the losses that can ensue if shipped items suffer damages en route.
It is normal for someone to have trepidation before shipping their first package across national boundaries.
With attention to the outlined precautions and tips though, you can rest assured your package will be safe on arrival.