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Maintaining an organized commercial space is vital for businesses. When every item has its own storage space and is kept there every after use, employees won’t have to spend time and effort around clutter.
Organized office space also boosts employees’ productivity and helps in maintaining their health and safety.

Organizing commercial spaces is easy. You don’t need to allocate several days to accomplish this task spending a few minutes every day is enough to achieve a clutter-free office.
To help you get started, take note of these five organizing tips:
1. Embrace an Inventory Management System
Different businesses rely on different tools for their operations. Auto repair shops will need air compressors, jack stands, and oil drains to operate, while t-shirt printing businesses use printers, heat press, and cutters daily.
When organizing commercial spaces, start by creating and implementing a robust inventory management system.
Having one is important to ensure that valuable tools aren’t lost, and your business doesn’t have to spend more money for replacements. This system also keeps you safe from injuries and accidents as tools will have designated storage spaces.
The market is bombarded with different tool crib inventory software, making it easy for you to choose one that suits your needs, budget, and long-term goals.
2. Regularly Purge Your Office
Just like a house, your office can also accumulate junk over time. Keeping useless or damaged items will only make the office look cluttered and feel cramped. This is especially true if your commercial space is already small.
Purging your office regularly is a must if you want to achieve and maintain organization. This means that you have to remove items that are no longer used in the office.
Regardless of how expensive or attractive the item is, if no one in the office uses it for at least a month, it’s best to get rid of it. This goes for office supplies, equipment, and pieces of furniture.
Don’t forget about disposing of excessive decors. Plants, both artificial and real, are great decors, but if they’re only collecting dust in one corner, it’s best to remove them.
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3. Clear Off Your Desk
Seeing clutter on your desk can affect productivity. Clutter can increase your anxiety levels, making it very challenging to focus and accomplish even simple tasks. Over time, clutter will make you and your employees less productive.
Clearing off the desks is one of the easiest ways to organize a commercial space. Start by removing everything on your desk and only put back those that are used every day.
Ideally, your desk should only have a computer, a pen, and a notepad. All other items, such as your smartphones and snacks, should be kept in your drawers.
Having an organized desk can improve mental stability and help increase your productivity during the day. The cleaner the desk is, the easier it’ll be for you to focus.
4. Organize Your Drawers
Just because your drawers are hidden doesn’t mean that you stuff different items in there. Cluttered drawers can cause a significant amount of stress as you’ll have to spend a lot of time looking for items you need.
If you want to maintain organization in your commercial space, always organize your drawers. You should put items you used together in the same drawer, so you can easily find them.
For example, you can place stamps and envelopes in the same drawer and then supplies of notepads and sticky notes on another.
You can use drawer organizers to store smaller items, such as paperclips, thumbtacks, staples, and fasteners. Personal items, namely your tumbler and smartphone, should be kept in a separate drawer.
5. Color Code Your Filing System
Several businesses still use paper in their daily operations. If yours still do the same, it’s crucial to adapt to a filing system to organize and prevent losing any important documents.
You can use different colors to categorize documents in the office. For example, you can place financial documents in green folders and insurance-related documents in orange folders. You can also dedicate other colored folders for personal and medical files.
A well-organized filing system indicates a functional commercial space. By having one in place, you and your employees won’t have to go through piles of folders just to find a specific document.
Consistency is Key
If you want to succeed in maintaining the organization of your office, remain consistent with your efforts.
This means that you should prioritize organizing your office every day instead of waiting for clutter to accumulate before taking any actions.