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The wardrobe is an integral part of any bedroom. It’s essential to store your clothes safely and to prevent them from becoming creased or damaged.
But, there is a huge array of choices when it comes to wardrobes, choosing the right one is not a simple decision. But, it is integral to the look and feel of your room. That means you need to select your preferred style before you start to redesign and decorate your room.

Fortunately, we’re here to help. The following 5 types of modern wardrobe designs for your bedroom will look good in almost any setting.
You simply need to decide which one is most appropriate for your taste and the space you have available.
Factors When Choosing a Wardrobe
There are several things to consider when choosing a wardrobe with a sliding wardrobe doors style. Perhaps the most important thing to think about is the number of clothes you have and how much space you need for them to be stored properly.
This may not change the style of your wardrobe but it does dictate the size you need. That’s a factor in style as an oversized wardrobe in a small room is not going to look good.
It’s like having finely crafted French dining chairs, made by an expert in wardrobes, chairs, and other wooden products, and putting them with a stainless steel table. It just doesn’t work.
As well as the size, you need to consider what material suits you best. Wood is always warming, especially older pieces that retain their traditional style and impressive presence.
But, modern wardrobes can be made of virtually anything. You need to know your preference before you start looking.
Let’s take a look at the 5 types of modern wardrobe:
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1. Mirrored Doors
Mirrors have always been important in the bedroom, you need to know that you’re looking your best before you head out the door!
A modern trend is to have full-length mirrors on each of the doors, or built into the doors of your wardrobe. This combines perfectly with the use of an existing alcove to make the creation of the wardrobe very simple.
While the alcove almost conceals the wardrobe, the massive mirrors will draw your eye to it. As an added bonus it will bounce light around your bedroom, making it feel brighter and warmer.
2. Sliding Doors
Many modern homes are often tight on space, especially in the bedroom. A double bed, or larger, a dressing table, perhaps an armchair, and the wardrobe. It can be cluttered very quickly. That leads to the issue of opening your wardrobe doors and not being able to move around them.
The solution is to use an existing alcove and fit sliding doors. Again, this minimizes the impact of the wardrobe on the room and reduces the space it takes. The sliding doors allow great access unless you want to see the entire wardrobe in one go, but this is unusual.
This particular style has been popular in hotels for a long time. This is because it’s a space-saver and streamlines the room.
If you’re after a similar look in your bedroom this could be the best choice of all.
3. Built-In Wardrobes
A built-in wardrobe is anything that’s fastened to the wall and can’t be moved. Unlike the best wooden French wardrobes that you can move around the room according to which day of the week it is.
The advantage of a built-in wardrobe is that the exteriors are usually made of materials that can be customized to match the style of your room. This means you can change the color or even the texture to emphasize the wardrobe or blend it in, allowing the focus to be elsewhere.
In short, if you frequently like to change the color of your room a built-in wardrobe that can be painted easily is a great solution. All you have to do is choose the space that can’t be used for other things and then build the wardrobe in-situ.
4. The Closet
For many, this is the dream, a wardrobe that isn’t a wardrobe and isn’t even in the bedroom. You’ll need to have a spare room off your bedroom or the ability to create a closet-sized space, either by trimming down the size of your bedroom or reducing the size of another room.
You can then create a walk-in closet that will have simple rails on both sides. From the bedroom, all you’ll see is a door. Inside will be the rails and mirrors, allowing you to comfortably choose your favorite outfits and have plenty of room to move.
Just remember to add good lights in the walk-in wardrobe, you’ll want to see what you’re doing!
5. Wall Dividers
Another great idea that is gradually becoming more popular is to create your own wall. In this situation, you build a wall several feet into your room. The wall is free-standing, you can walk around it either at both ends or just at one end.
If you opt to close one end do it by the door to your bedroom.
In the gap between the wall and the original bedroom wall, you create your wardrobe space, enough room to hang clothes and store folded ones.
By doing the wall with an opening at one end you’ll make the wardrobe almost completely vanish. This is perfect for the modern minimalistic room. You’ll have an impressive wardrobe but very little evidence of it.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right type of wardrobe is not an easy decision. You need to think about the space available, the style of your room, and which of these designs will fit. Sadly a free-standing wardrobe is often the simplest solution.
However, if you opt for free-standing then you want to make sure that it’s high-quality, such as the ones designed by Christophe Living. After all, you’re going to be using it every day, and you’re entrusting some of your most valuable possession to it.